VAG DPF v3.9.0 Patched

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VAG DPF v3.9.0 Patched

Message par rgmaster3 » mar. 31 mars 2020 13:42

VAG DPF shows you the most important data related to the DPF particulate filter and its regeneration phases using an ELM327 Bluetooth/WIFI adapter. With this app you can know if the filter is actually in regeneration process, if a regeneration is waiting to complete, how many km have you traveled since last regeneration, etc. This app doesn’t use standard OBD2 commands as almost all other apps, it uses directly CAN commands specific of car model and this is the reason why it doesn’t work with every car; due to the use of CAN commands, the app needs al least a decent ELM327 adapter (see note below); some users reports correct app working with a 10-15 euro adapter.

ATTENTION!! This app works only with VAG (Audi Volkswagen Seat Skoda) that are equipped with engines listed below; for diesel engines not listed is not guaranteed the full compatibility, so if you anyway buy the app, consider that some or all functions couldn’t work correctly.

Engines supported:
DETA (2.0 TDI 190CV)
CRBC (2.0TDI 150CV)
CFHD (2.0TDI 143CV)
CUNA (2.0TDI 184CV)
CFFB (2.0TDI 140CV)
CFWA (1.2TDI 75CV)
CLHA (1.6TDI 105CV)
CXXB (1.6TDI 110CV)
CAYC (1.6TDI 105CV)(partially on Passat 3C MY10)
CAHA (2.0TDI 170CV)(beta, requires verification)
Tested by users:
(*) = partial support or depending on SW version
IMPORTANT some of the engines above may be incompatible, it depends on the engine software version, so use the VAG DPF FREE app to check your engine before buy!!!!

IMPORTANT!! Before buying this app I suggest to try the app “VAG DPF Free” to check the correct functionality of your adapter and your Android because the free application shares the connection method and the data reading code so it’s perfect to test if these important functions are working correctly.

About ELM327 adapters:
Currently on the market you can find a huge list of low cost cloned ELM327 adapters including a cloned simplified version of the ELM327 chip; using these adapters with this app may introduce readings errors and also car connection problems or app freezing.
For an optimal use I suggest a good quality adapter like an OBDLink LX, but the app also works with cheap adapters provided decent quality.

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