Automatic Email Processor v1.15.0

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Automatic Email Processor v1.15.0

Message par rgmaster3 » sam. 3 févr. 2024 12:07


Automatic Email Processor v1.15.0 + Serial Key
30 MB - Google drive

Files Password is:123
0. Disable antivirus if needed [Mostly it's not needed]
1. Install Program
2. Run given key to register this software
3. Done, enjoy, share, like, and support us.

I decided to spend five minutes of time and literally on my knees write a review on the Automatic Email Processor, now I will explain why. How many of you need a program that supports Outlook and is designed to store and automatically print emails and their attachments? Honestly, I haven’t met such people, so I don’t know whether there is any sense in this tool on our project or not, but it’s not my business, I only give information, and whether to take it or not, decide for yourself.

The program has a system of filters, flexible configuration options, you can specify folders for storing letters and do other simple things. On this I set off from the review, my five minutes have passed, good luck!
This reptile does not start without Outlook, which I never had, so I could not take screenshots, but a funny patch showed that the hack went well.

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