CCleaner v5.88.9346 Professional + Business + Technician + Portable

Programmes utiles avec CRK et KG
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CCleaner v5.88.9346 Professional + Business + Technician + Portable

Message par rgmaster3 » ven. 31 déc. 2021 13:12


CCleaner v5.88.9346 Professional + Business + Technician + Portable
28 MB - Cloud Mega + Torrent

CCleaner is a utility for cleaning garbage in the operating system. In the course of its work, CCleaner (Crap Cleaner) searches and deletes temporary and unused files. These include cookies, history of visits to sites in IE, temporary Internet files, search strings, Recycle Bin files, etc.

Also supports the search for temporary files of third-party applications: Firefox, Opera, Media Player, eMule, Kazaa, Google Toolbar, Netscape, Office XP, Nero, Alcohol 120, Adobe Acrobat, WinRAR, WinAce, WinZip, GetRight, Morpheus, Download Accelerator Plus, VirtualDub, ZoneAlarm and many others. You can clean up the Windows registry and rid it of unnecessary extensions, old dll libraries and incorrect paths that accumulate in considerable quantities, especially after installing and removing various programs. Having done all these operations on your system, you will not only free up disk space but also increase the performance of the system as a whole.

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