AIDA64 Extreme Edition + Extreme Engineer + Portable v6.60.5900 + Patch

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AIDA64 Extreme Edition + Extreme Engineer + Portable v6.60.5900 + Patch

Message par rgmaster3 » ven. 31 déc. 2021 13:03


AIDA64 Extreme Edition + Extreme Engineer + Portable v6.60.5900 + Patch
73 MB - Cloud Mega + Torrent

AIDA64 (formerly EVEREST) - the utility is a powerful tool for identifying and testing virtually any component of a personal computer running Windows operating systems. Gives you detailed information about all the hardware and software, in addition, with the help of built-in modules for testing and calibration, you can conduct additional checks on individual PC subsystems. Displays detailed information about all the hardware and software installed in the system.

In the process of optimizing and fine-tuning, the program provides the necessary system and overclocking information, provides advanced hardware monitoring and diagnostics to assess the effect achieved by applying certain settings. Performance tests of the CPU, floating-point module, and memory help to measure the actual performance of the system and compare it with previous results or with other computers.

Moreover, complete information about the software, operating system, and security settings translates the AIDA64 product to the rank of a comprehensive diagnostic tool that provides over 100 pages of information about your computer.

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