How To Remove DTC's Tutorial

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How To Remove DTC's Tutorial

Message par rgmaster3 » ven. 17 nov. 2023 18:36

Guide How To Remove DTC's

In this guide how to remove easy DTC's in for example edc17 by using a damos file. You can use this method to remove error codes in similar SW versions. This is just only 1 way there are more ways to remove it like with the start addresses and in some ECU's you can literally find DTC's codes by just searching.

This method can be used also on EDC(X), ME(x) and MED(X).

1. First, open WINOLS and open the damos you want to find DTC.

2. Make sure your view is set in 16bit LO/HI and bit mode to HEX (FF mode)

3. Press control + F on your keyboard. Search window popups.

4. Select HEX tab and search for (p2002), type in window 2002 (make sure its in hex tab.
make sure you checkmarked in original and search in realtime. You will find many p2002 hits in the OBD block (diagnostic).
see this:


5. Select the first hit and open the OBD map and check map ID name, in my case its: DFES_DTCO.DFC_PFltCharPDiffMax_C

6. Having the ID name we are now going to use the following word/id: PFltCharPDiffMax_C to search for fault class map

7. To find the fault code class (the one that needs to be zero'd out) you simply add CLS and PFltCharPDiffMax_C, so like this: CLS PFltCharPDiffMax_C
this you fill in map selection window:


8. Now we found the fault class (fehrlerklasse), simply open the map and put 0 and that fault code is now off in the class block.

9. We do this same process but for the fault code disable mask block, to do this simply search in the map selection window for: DisblMsk PFltCharPDiffMax_C
And maximize the value inside this mask block. See:


10. Now that we have disabled the first entrance of p2002 in our file it's now easy to do the following.

11. To make life easy what you can do is go back to OBD DTC block area and maximize every P2002 hit you get
like this:


12. make seperate map of the OBD block and use delta (shift+D) so you only copy that are changed (ie the p2002 obd maps)
like this:


13. go back to CLS fehlerklasse block and from the first code we deleted, you make from the entire fehlerklasse block a single map with single bytes displayed each under others like this:
See here:


Now go to first error we removed and copy past now it will mark all the p2002 in the fehlerklasse block and do this same for DisblMsk block.

Now you successfully removed p2002 manually with help of damos.
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