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Message par rgmaster3 » lun. 1 juil. 2019 10:40


Program assistant when coding a BMW ECU, when working with NCS-Expert. The program allows you to change certain lines and parameters of the FSW / PSW file as with the .TRC file, as well as with the subsequent replacement of the .MAN file in the WORK folder of the NCS-Expert program. The program provides explanations of certain parameters in English, searches for the necessary lines, followed by setting the required value. The program also allows you to work with the file FSW / PSW without connecting to the car, to create your own file, with subsequent encoding. The program is simple and easy to use, it will have no difficulty in understanding it.

The principle of operation is as follows: we launch the program, select the model of car from the list, select the required block for encoding from the list, open the .TRC file created by the NCS-Expert program and work with it, search / change what is needed, replace the FSW / PSW file, and encode in NCS-Expert.
The program does not require installation, just run the file NcsDummy.exe. The archive also contains profile files for NCS-Expert, they need to be copied to the NCS-Expert profiles folder, i.e. on the way c: \ NCSEXPER \ PFL \, then load it into NCS-Expert accordingly. (2018-08-28)
Fixed bug in order options. While reading the *CTV.000 file order options from the "INDIVID" categories were wrongly combined with those from the "GRUPPE" categories resulting into conflicting order options in certain modules.
Added ability to empty the FSW_PSW.MAN trace manipulation file from the "Export FSW/PSW" button dropdown menu.
The "HEX/DEC" button will now also change the numeral system of length.
The default command line argument is now the trace file. It is no longer necessary to provide prefix /tracefile= if you want to load a trace file. For example: NcsDummy.exe "C:\NCSEXPER\WORK\E31-EKM.C25-FSW_PSW.TRC". This makes it easier to use NCS Dummy as default application to open trace files with.
Exporting module functions, trace functions and differences will now include groups even when control unit data is not selected.
Small number of corrected translations.

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